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#eye #eye

A versatile Service Designer and UX Designer with a solid foundation in graphic design and experience design. Proficient in using qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to identify problems/opportunities, and generate insights for improvement. Skilled in applying systems thinking approaches to address complex challenges and create sustainable solutions. Committed to developing user-centered/actor-centered/planet-centered designs that enhance experiences while aligning with business objectives.


OVERLAP: An AR Social App to Ease People's Loneliness

#MentalHealth #Loneliness #Social App #AR

Individual Project, 5 Month

The Challenge

China faces a loneliness epidemic, with 47% of respondents reporting concerns. This global issue impacts mental health and well-being, calling for innovative solutions.

The Methodology

To create an innovative solution that addresses loneliness and fosters a sense of community among Digital Natives, this project combined service design, UX design, data-driven methodologies, and participatory futures

The Outcome

This solution is an immersive location-based augmented reality social app that allows users to share their thoughts and feelings without the pressure of initiating conversations. It provides a safe space for users to express themselves, fostering a sense of community through shared experiences and alleviating loneliness.

The Impact

Our solution has proven to be successful, with a significant 82% (n=79) of users reporting a decrease in loneliness. With over 300 million people in China experiencing loneliness, our platform has the potential to impact millions of lives positively. 


Design Process



Loneliness is a universal experience, with individuals facing different levels of isolation under various circumstances. The 2020 Ipsos survey showed that China ranked in the top three countries for loneliness concerns, with 47% of respondents affected. While short-term loneliness usually doesn't lead to mental disorders, chronic loneliness can trigger emotional disorders and negatively impact mental health. This sense of loneliness can also widen the gap between individuals and society, intensifying their isolation and potentially causing mental breakdowns or personality disorders. Addressing this global issue can significantly improve mental health and well-being. 


Design Purpose

In an effort to alleviate loneliness, the design purpose centers around creating an innovative communication method within a service platform. This service aims to offer users a sense of companionship and help ease their loneliness without requiring them to initiate conversations.


How might we...?

How might we use augmented reality to create a safe and stress-free space for Digital Natives to share their thoughts and feelings, foster a sense of community, and alleviate loneliness without initiating conversations?

1.0 Monitor & Frame

Research activities commenced with an exploration of academic literature, focusing on the core research question:
︎ What is loneliness, how can it be defined, and is it solvable, who are my target group? ︎
By examining demographic differences, social behavior trends, and attitudes towards loneliness across various cultural backgrounds, the study aimed to further understand this issue. Additionally, relevant design implementation case studies were analyzed. This information served as the foundation for designing a survey to gather insights from stakeholders, as well as guiding the selection of interview participants. The ultimate goal of this research is to discover effective ways to alleviate loneliness, ultimately improving mental health and enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals.

1.1 Loneliness Uncovered: The Different Faces of Isolation

Psychologic Isolation

This type of loneliness is the separation between perceptual thinking and rational thinking, virtual feeling and realism. When we oppress our psychological feelings, we only maintain our connection with ourselves and at the level of recognization and understanding, suppressing our desires and emotions. People strongly doubt their judgments, and turn “must” and “should” into their expectations. In this state, they are called psychological loneliness (Kirmayer & Sartorius, 2007).

Existential Isolation

This refers to “the self-state and any living body have a barrier that cannot be linked, that is, the most basic sense of loneliness.” We are all eager to connect with the world to conform to the development of the world to integrate with the world, but there are a thousand “Hamlets” for a thousand people. The more we connect the world, the more we will feel our unity (Pinel et al., 2006).
Interpersonal Isolation

People who are on the edge of the social circle may feel loneliness. According to interpersonal isolation views, people are social animals and they may quickly contact depressed, anxious and isolated if they are away from social groups (Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2003).

1.2 Do Social Apps Truly Impact Our Mood?

* Moira Burke (2019), from Carnegie Mellon University, researched 1,200 facebook users. She focused on users’ behaviors ( click “liked,” send messages, post comments, etc.), and their relationships with happiness and sadness. She found out that the social network itself would not change how people feel, but its certain functions and properties had influence on users.

1.3 Bridging the Gap: Tackling Loneliness by Connecting Information Flow

There are two sources of social isolation: unable to convey information to the outside world and unable to obtain outside information. If both needs are met simultaneously, the loneliness will be eased.

1.4 Unlocking the Mystery: A Model for Understanding Loneliness

2.0 Explore & Identify

I develop a visual stakeholder map for collective action against loneliness and strategically engage stakeholders using the Power-Interest Matrix. I decode social tech habits through a targeted screener survey, and extract valuable insights on loneliness solutions from in-depth interviews. By identifying diverse user archetypes and their connection needs, I concentrate on the Digital Native through the Empathy Map Canvas, bridging the loneliness gap in the digital age. My Problem/Opportunity Map charts a clear, user-centric path towards alleviating loneliness and enhancing well-being, leveraging my expertise in service and UX design.

2.1 Mapping Stakeholders: A Visual Roadmap to Tackle Loneliness Together

The Stakeholder Map is a visual representation of the various parties involved in addressing the needs of lonely individuals. By understanding the different stakeholders and their perspectives, we can ensure that the needs and expectations of lonely individuals are met, ultimately leading to improved mental health and well-being.

The Stakeholder Map for addressing loneliness among individuals includes a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders, each playing a crucial role in developing, implementing, and promoting solutions to tackle loneliness. The stakeholders encompass mental health professionals, government initiatives, non-profit organizations, local communities, media outlets, and more. Each stakeholder's involvement is essential to ensure that the needs of lonely individuals are effectively addressed and that appropriate support is provided.

2.2 Power-Interest Matrix: The Ultimate Guide to Winning Stakeholder Support

The Power-Interest Matrix is a tool used to prioritize stakeholders by categorizing them based on their level of power and interest in addressing the needs of lonely individuals. By understanding the different stakeholders' positions, we can strategically communicate and involve them to ensure that the needs of lonely individuals are met.

Those with high power and interest, such as mental health professionals, government initiatives, and non-profit organizations, should be managed closely. Stakeholders with low power but high interest, like local communities and social groups, should be kept satisfied. High-power, low-interest stakeholders, such as data privacy regulators, should be kept informed. Lastly, stakeholders with low power and low interest, like competing social apps and cultural influencers, should be monitored with minimum effort.

2.3 Screener: Decoding Social/Tech Habits

I conducted a screener survey with 379 participants (n=379) to understand the needs of individuals experiencing loneliness and their use of technology in addressing it. The purpose of the survey was to identify patterns and gather insights that could inform the design of a solution to help alleviate loneliness. The survey explored participants' degrees of loneliness, familiarity with technology, and their engagement with various social platforms and applications.

Based on these findings, the insights revealed that participants value the ability to share information and content through various social platforms, with a particular emphasis on sharing content and commenting. This suggests that an effective solution should facilitate content sharing and foster a sense of community through interaction and engagement.

The propensity to use social applications for different age levels.

I also analyzed the propensity to use social applications across different age groups. The results showed that 76.4% of participants used WeChat Moments, with the highest usage among those aged 19-29; text communication accounted for 67%, with the highest usage among those aged 29-39; voice calls accounted for 45.3%, predominantly used by those aged 19-29; and subscriptions accounted for 44.3%, mainly among those aged 29-39. Additionally, 12.7% used email, 4.3% used video calls, and 1.4% engaged with other forms of communication.

Frequency of use of various functions when people use social applications.

Another aspect of the survey focused on the frequency of using various functions within social applications. The results indicated that 51.1% posted short content, 53.2% posted long content, 57% posted pictures (with 37.5% posting monthly), 10.2% posted videos, 65.3% shared contents (with 34.7% doing so monthly or weekly), and 71.5% left comments.

2.4 Discovering Solutions for Loneliness: Key Insights from In-Depth Interviews

After conducting in-depth interviews with 27 participants (n=27), I gathered approximately 3,248 raw data points from their responses. Through the affinitization process, I first grouped these data points into 58 commonalities. Further analysis led to the identification of 23 driving ideas that emerged from the commonalities.

2.4.1 Loneliness Archetypes: Framing Diverse Needs for Connection and Well-being

User Archetypes

In response to the challenge of addressing loneliness worldwide, we have identified four distinct archetypes of lonely individuals: the Introvert, the Explorer, the Digital Native, and the Nurturer. These archetypes represent different personalities and approaches to overcoming loneliness, each with their unique preferences and strategies.

The four archetypes reveal the varied needs of lonely individuals. Introverts seek deep connections, Explorers pursue new social experiences, Digital Natives rely on technology for companionship, and Nurturers build connections through empathy and support.
Considering these insights, the Digital Native archetype has been selected as the target user for the solution. This group is well-aligned with technology-based approaches to addressing loneliness and enhancing mental well-being.

2.4.2 Empathy Map Canvas Unveiled: Bridging the Gap for Lonely Hearts in the Digital Native

The Empathy Map Canvas is a visual tool used to gain a deeper understanding of Digital Native by exploring their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and experiences. It helps identify their needs, motivations, and pain points, ultimately informing the design and development of user-centric solutions. The canvas is divided into eight sections, covering various aspects of the user's perspective, such as their actions, emotions, influences, and goals.
In summary, the Empathy Map Canvas for lonely individuals highlights their struggle with feelings of isolation, disconnection, and the challenges they face in forming meaningful relationships. They are aware of the growing prevalence of loneliness and its impact on mental health, and they look for ways to address these issues. They are exposed to various social apps and platforms, and they hope to find companionship, friendship, or romantic connections through an engaging and effective solution.

2.5 Problem/Opportunity Map: Charting the Path to Alleviate Loneliness

To effectively alleviate loneliness, a multifaceted approach is required, addressing immediate needs, medium-term sustainability, and long-term cultural shifts. By leveraging collaboration, innovation, and empathy, we can create a comprehensive support ecosystem tailored to the diverse needs of lonely individuals.

3.0 Ideate & Visualize

I explore the potential of augmented reality to create a safe, stress-free space for Digital Natives, fostering community and alleviating loneliness without initiating conversations. Introducing Overlap, an AR social app that connects users through shared experiences, and presenting its sustainable Business Model Canvas, I envision success in combating loneliness. Through user testing of our concept-based prototype, I reveal the power of shared experiences and take you on a experinece journey of connection, delving into the user story, workflow, and prototype of Overlap. I bring the concept to reality by iteratively testing and refining the prototype, creating an impactful solution for loneliness in the digital age.

3.1 How might we...?

︎How might we use augmented reality to create a safe and stress-free space for Digital Natives to share their thoughts and feelings, foster a sense of community, and alleviate loneliness without initiating conversations?

3.2 Connect through Shared Experiences: Introducing Overlap - the AR Social App to Relieve Loneliness

Introducing Overlap, a location-based augmented reality social app that allows users to share their thoughts and emotions without the need for direct communication, and to alleviate loneliness through shared experiences. Using immersive augmented reality features, Overlap provides users with a real-time connection to others, eliminating distance and time constraints found in traditional social apps.

Users can express themselves by setting up personal profiles and adding personal information and interests, and can view other users' shares and their geographic location on the main page. In addition, Overlap offers follow and like functionalities, making it easier for users to share and receive information, and build a sense of community. Users can also use augmented reality to view other users' shares, and see them at actual locations, enabling them to feel a greater sense of presence.

Overall, Overlap is a safe and immersive social environment that helps alleviate loneliness and foster emotional connections through shared experiences and a sense of community. Connect through shared experiences with Overlap.

3.3 The Business Model Canvas of Overlap - Envisioning Success: A Sustainable Solution to Combat Loneliness

3.4 How User Testing of Our Concept-based Prototype Revealed the Power of Shared Experiences

4.0 Prototype & Envision

I detail my journey of crafting a high-fidelity prototype for Overlap. I take you through the intricate process of prototype development, detailing its various aspects, and exploring the socialization phase. The captivating "A Journey of Connection: The User Story & Workflow & Hi-Fi Prototype of Overlap" demonstrates how I brought the concept to life. Finally, I showcase the testing and refining stages, bridging the gap between concept and reality, and creating an impactful solution to address loneliness in the digital era.

4.1 A Journey of Connection: The User Story & workflow & prototype of Overlap 

4.2 From Concept to Reality: Testing and Refining the Prototype

Main Page - Only display messages within 10m radius of the usersThe message posted by one user at a certain location can trigger the sympathy of other uses who pass this location. And users can know how others feel about this place without the necessity of asking or talking. Therefore people can feel accompanied and ease their loneliness.

Main Page - Messages contain locationsUsers can use LBS technology to post their feelings at different locations. Other users of this application can view the posted texts within the set range. All this information can be exchanged without actual talks. So the two causes of loneliness, unable to convey information to the outside world and unable to obtain outside information, can be dealt with in an easier way

AR Page - Only keep like, follow, and delete widget to enhance the immersive experience
The users can see precise locations of the messages posted by other users through AR. And the blurry texts can be seen clearly when the users approach.

1. Like Page You can check your message at any time. View the number of messages being liked. Delete the messages.
2. Me Page
You can read and stay visible at any time.
3. Follow Page You can view the messages of the person you followed, but they are only visible when you are nearby.
4. Sign Up Page Simplify the registration page.
5. Warming Pop-Up Although this application can be used outdoors, it is very dangerous to play mobile phones while walking. Therefore, users are encouraged to use this application.

Visible Distance Setting
Civil gprs can be accurate to 2m

Normal Visible within 20m, guaranteeing accuracy and encounter rate.

AR Due to the expansion of the field of vision, the user is encouraged to explore in the surrounding area. If the range is 150m, the visible messages is blur, and the 10m can be seen clearly.

5.0 Impact Evaluation & Next Phase

5.1 Staff and Customer Feedback Results: 82% Loneliness Reduction through User-Centric Platform and Data-Driven Improvements

A comprehensive feedback analysis involving 79 participants revealed that 82% (n=79) of users experienced a decrease in loneliness after using our platform. This was achieved through a methodical approach, including user surveys, data analysis, and iterative improvements based on their feedback. The platform's design focused on fostering connections and facilitating content sharing, resulting in a tangible positive impact on users' well-being.

5.2 Next Phase Plan

In the next phase, we aim to refine the platform and expand its reach by enhancing features tailored to diverse user needs, increasing awareness through targeted marketing, and collaborating with key stakeholders in mental health and well-being. This holistic approach will ensure the platform remains effective and relevant to its users.


Cacioppo, J. T., & Hawkley, L. C. (2003). Social isolation and health, with an emphasis on underlying mechanisms. Perspectives in biology and medicine, 46(3 Suppl), S39–S52. https://doi.org/10.1353/pbm.2003.0063

Kirmayer, L. J., & Sartorius, N. (2007). Cultural models and somatic syndromes. Psychosomatic medicine, 69(9), 832–840. https://doi.org/10.1097/PSY.0b013e31815b00c4

Pinel, E. C., Longpré, F., Mérette, C., & Wolfson, C. (2006). Loneliness in elderly individuals, level of functional autonomy and mental health status: A cross-sectional study. Aging & Mental Health, 10(5), 454–460. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607860600638367.

Zhang, J., & Wang, X. (2019). Loneliness and its as sociation with social support and social identity among college students in China. Journal of American College Health, 67(5), 437-445.